meet the authors

Madison Taylor-- Hi,I am Madison. My natural hair color is blonde and I sometimes live it out. 
Jesus Christ is my personal savior. I am growing in Him everyday. The Lord has given me the 
talent of sign language.He has placed it on my heart to let others know about the starving children in 
Africa. I am an exhilarating  person! Photography is the best art ever! Horseback riding is my 
passion. Laughing with my friends is my exercise.Blog designing is awesome and I have a 
love/hate relationship with Gimp. It is complicated. Well,that is all for now! 
Hope you find everything! And feel free to ask questions
--Madison ♥

Hannah Elizabeth-- Hello, I'm Hannah. I'm 15 years old and really into anything artsy, especially photography. I like finding new outfits in my closet, making my room look cute, reading literally all day, watching tv with my siblings, feasting on anything sweet, and hanging out with my friends, laughing until I can't breathe. But those are only a few. ;) I am in love with Jesus Christ and I am trying to serve Him in every aspect of my life, always bringing Him glory and honor. I would like to be given more opportunities to show people His love. I hope you enjoy your stay here and find what you are looking for! :)